3 Ways insurance companies can take advantage of SMS

3 Ways insurance companies can take advantage of SMS

Insurance companies have a lot to gain from fostering better connections with their customers. Transparent communication and quality customer service are key, and it will set your company apart from the competition.

1. Stay on top of mind

In order to make things as stress-free as possible for your customers and your team, utilise the power of SMS reminders. As well as sending text reminders for appointments, SMS can also be used to:

  • Remind customers about upcoming payments (and help customers reduce any late fees they may be subject to);
  • Send promotions and deals (such as bundle offers or anniversary discounts);
  • Collect data and ensure only relevant offers are being sent to customers.

2. Communicate with urgency

Customers want to stay informed and feel empowered when it comes to insurance. Use SMS alerts to promptly tell customers of:

  • Policy updates
  • Pricing changes
  • Claim statuses
  • Expiration dates (encouraging them to renew their contract)

3. Make things effortless

Navigating the world of insurance is incredibly confusing for the average customer. Here’s how you can make things easier and frictionless.

Provide an SMS keyword for more information

With a virtual mobile number, your customers can simply text in a keyword to receive more information. For example, texting EXTRAS can trigger an auto-response with a link to a page that discusses how to increase their cover, while RENTER can send them information on renters’ insurance. If customers can quickly receive a quote from you, they’ll also be less likely to comparison shop.

Send out surveys and gather feedback

After completing a customer service request or processing a claim, it can be really insightful to gather feedback. This can be done by sending out an SMS which then leads customers to an online feedback form.

Make claims via inbound MMS

Customers have enough to worry about when they’re trying to make an insurance claim. Take some of the burden off their shoulders by simplifying the claims process via MMS.

Send essential documents via text

Two in three customers want to interact with businesses via text, according to Salesforce, so offer them the chance to receive links to their documents by text.

Go the extra mile

Show your customers that you truly care about them by sending personalised SMS blasts of any relevant regulations or tax implications. This allows your customers to update their cover, avoid any potential penalties and makes them feel truly taken care of.

To further elevate the customer service experience, you can also try implementing SMS customer support through a 2 way SMS channel and email-to-SMS. Empower your customer service team to get back to any text enquiries via their company email addresses, easily managing multiple enquiries at once.

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