How to improve website traffic with SMS marketing

How to improve website traffic with SMS marketing

You’ve put in the hard work. You’ve got your customer’s phone number. Now what? Don’t let your efforts go to waste, make sure these leads lead somewhere.

These customers have already purchased from you or at least have some awareness of your business, so it’ll take less work to get them across the sales finish line.

Focusing on them is healthy marketing. Why? Because it can cost you five times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. Yet, only 29% of businesses nurture their existing customers after the initial purchase, and 48% of salespeople never make a follow-up attempt.

That’s a lot of wasted opportunities, so please don’t leave these established connections behind.

Customers are well and truly comfortable shopping on handheld devices. In 2021, eCommerce grew to $666 billion in the US market, and by 2022, it’s expected to climb to $845 billion.

Use SMS to nurture your leads and direct them back to your website for sales and promotions. When they get in touch for more information, text them the link to your FAQs or related blog. If they’ve gone quiet, send them a message with time-limited links or codes they can use for website purchases.

With a 98% open rate, these concise messages mean your call-to-action is clear and customers are more likely to click on your link, boosting website traffic.

Now the fun part. Here’s how.

How to improve traffic to your website

Remember, these people are already interested in you.

So use SMS between other marketing communications to educate, inform, and engage with your customers to build an even stronger relationship. It’s a quick and easy way to increase customer touchpoints.

Here are five ideas to increase website traffic with SMS.

1. Educate and inform

What questions do your customers have about your product or service? What should they know? How can you add more value to their experience with your brand and its offerings?

Perhaps it’s more website information about their membership perks, a how-to video, industry-related tips, a free ebook, or a landing page that tells a great story of how your product was made.

2. Promote sales

Flash sales, Boxing Day sales, EOFY sales, member-only sales. The sales opportunities are endless. It’s all about emphasising urgency, so use SMS to drive quick sales.

3. Announce and alert

69 percent of consumers say it’s important or very important to see new stock each time they visit a store or shopping site. So let them be the first to know about your exciting product drops.

Think SMS retargeting. If they’ve previously made a purchase, send them a text to remind them about refills or accessories. If they’ve been browsing your website, send them a text about their abandoned cart.

4. Collect reviews

Have they bought something in-store, or did they attend your event? Hear all about their experience by asking for a review. The power of a positive review to build brand trust needs no explanation. The bonus? It could lead your customers to other areas of your website.

5. Celebrate along

A ‘Merry Christmas!’ or ‘Happy Mother’s Day!’ alongside a coupon or exclusive seasonal range can lift your customers’ spirits. Plus, piggybacking off these cultural events gives you a reason to reach out and makes your SMS feel less out of the blue.

To make it more personal, you could send customers a message on their birthday or anniversary from their first date of purchase or sign up.

SMS Lead Nurturing

When you already have your customers’ phone numbers, make the most of these warmer leads. Personal and immediate, SMS marketing will drive more traffic to your website and increase sales.

Make the most of your marketing efforts by directing warm leads to your website with SMS. Start with a 14-day trial. No credit card, no obligations