Zapier: Send a promotional SMS after filling Squarespace website form

Zapier: Send a promotional SMS after filling Squarespace website form

As a business owner, you’re often the first to arrive and the last to leave, working hard to build positive experiences every day. You offer a great product or service, and customers are coming to you to solve their problems or fulfil their needs.

You love what you do, and hearing great stories from your customer base fuels your passion. You’re also acutely aware that not everybody left your store happy. You want to hear from them, except they were either too busy to care, wrote your business off already, or about to write a 1-star trilogy before bedtime and post it on Yelp.

In an ideal world, customers will have plenty of time to let you know how they feel about your business; but in reality, people often ignore washroom cleanliness surveys despite being a single-press feedback. When was the last time you remembered filling one of those?

So if duration is not the issue, then how do we encourage more customers to fill out surveys? A popular method is attaching an incentive, and SMS is the best way to deliver it.

Today we will show you how you can automatically send a promotional SMS after your customer fills out a survey form on your website. As a bonus, we will show you how to add an element of surprise to make the incentive more fun.

If you are already using Squarespace for your website, then this Zapier SMS integration can be for you.

What is Squarespace?

Squarespace describes themselves as an all-in-one solution for anyone looking to create a beautiful website, ranging from personal portfolios, restaurants to small businesses, eCommerce and more.

Offering Immediate Incentives with SMS

When your customer completes a website form from Squarespace, Zapier automatically gets our online SMS service to send a text message to your prospect’s mobile number.

An ideal use case for this is to invite your customers to fill out a quick survey on a tablet device at your physical store. The survey can be about customer satisfaction (Net Promoter Score), customers behaviours (favourite product or service, buying habits), or customer polls (limited edition items, future product launches). Ensure the form captures their mobile number in order for this integration to work.

A sample promotional SMS response can be:

Sometimes customers are in a hurry, but they’re eager to participate. In that case, you can inform them by texting an SMS Keyword to a specific number to receive a survey link. A sample message for this poster can be:

Bonus: Creating Element of Surprise for the Offer

When it comes to creating incentives and promotional offers for your customers, here’s where you can get creative. Customers are more likely to participate when there’s an element of surprise and gamification to their offer.

In the case where everybody wins, you can create an integration where you randomise the discount percentage for your customers’ next purchase. For example, customers can receive a text for their coffee, but with a varying discount ranging from 15% off, 50% off, or completely free (why not?).

This is possible by adding an extra step in-between the two integrations using the Formatter by Zapier app function. Note that you’ll need a premium Zapier account to achieve this.

Final Thoughts

SMS is simple yet powerful when you integrate with existing marketing strategies like survey forms. We invite you to creatively experiment with this integration. Let us know how it works for you!